Updating TrakIT By Email

If you do not want to sign-in to TrakIT, you can also update TrakIT by simply sending an email. This requires your Email Inbox for TrakIT to be set up. If you are unsure of your TrakIT Email Inbox, please contact TrakIT Support.

The emails should be sent from a registered email address belonging to an unlocked user profile in TrakIT. Users should have access to the work orders being updated. The subject line is not case-sensitive.

There are several ways to send to TrakIT:

1. Upload Documents by Email

a) Create a new email or forward an existing email and set the recipient as your designated TrakIT email.

b) Attach a document or forward an existing email with attachments.

c) Put the subject as: TrakIT Upload T/D|WOID|ContNum. You can specify the Transport Document, Work Order ID or Container Number. Example: TrakIT Upload ABCU1234567

d) Send the email.

By default, the document is uploaded for the whole shipment. To upload it to a single work order only, either specify the T/D or use the 'Noshare' keyword in the subject line. Example: TrakIT Upload 12345 Noshare will upload the document only on Work Order # 12345. TrakIT Upload ABCD12345 will upload the document for T/D ABCD12345.

Please make sure you remove all images and icons that may be present in your email signature. Or else, these are treated and uploaded as attachments. The attachment should not exceed 4 MB in size. Users can attach as many documents as they want. The uploaded documents are accessible to all users who have access to the work order. Please do not upload sensitive documents. Use the normal TrakIT upload function and set the document role as appropriate.

2. Upload Email Text or Thread

Users can archive an email conversation regarding a shipment or a work order.

a) Forward the latest email to the designated TrakIT email address.

b) Set the subject as: TrakIT Save WOID/ContNum. Example: TrakIT Save ABCU1234567

c) Send the email.

By default the email content is shared for the whole shipment. If you wish to upload it to a single work order only, then use the 'Noshare' keyword in the subject line. Example: TrakIT Save 12345 Noshare

**Email content is attached as a text file and should not exceed 8000 characters. 

3. Update Events via Email

Users can update events in TrakIT at remote locations like ports or depots or while they are on the go. They can make updates by sending an email containing the full event name followed by the Container Number or Manifest number on separate lines. Events are updated with the same date on which the email is received. The user will get a response within minutes with an update about which work orders have been updated and which are not.

a) Create a new email and set the subject as TrakIT Update

b) In the email body, write the name of the event on the first line followed by the container numbers or manifest numbers on separate lines each.





4. Bulk Updates by Email

Bulk Update Excel files can be attached and emailed to TrakIT with the subject set as TrakIT Update

The results of the Bulk update are emailed back to the user.

5. Upload Exchange Rates by Email

Exchange rates can be uploaded to TrakIT by sending an email with an attached Excel file.

a) Set the subject as TrakIT Exchange Rates

b) Attach the Excel file(s) containing the exchange rates. More than one file can be attached.

c) Send the email to the designated TrakIT email address.

The result of the upload will be emailed back.

The format of the Excel must contain three columns only. The base currency, the target currency and the exchange rate. See example below: