Get Entity Documents

The below API is used to get asset list in Entity Documents.

Request: GET

Signature : /api/mobile/GetEntDocuments?Token={Login_Token}&EntID={Entity_ID}

Sample : /api/mobile/GetEntDocuments?Token=VomYEMiECFFyAQ3==&EntID=1756

Response :

    "Code": 1,
    "Info": "",
    "RowsAffected": 0,
    "Scalar": 27502,
    "Identity": 0,
    "RetInfo": [


"DocE": "17rI7Tq0mAQriq6hjfU=",

"EntE": "17rI7Tq0zHcIi2FHpeQ=",

"DocTitle": "Test 1",

"FileName": "Capture 1.PNG",

"FileSize": "8899",

"UploadedBy": "SHAHEEN",

"Uploaded": "15:31, 14 Jan 2019"



Things to know about this API:

    • Token - You can use Login API to get token displayed under Info
    • EntID - You can use Get Entity List API to get Entity ID displayed under EntID