
This page defines some common TrakIT terminology:

Container/Manifest Number - The container/manifest Number refers to the unique id that each container or manifest has. Every shipment has a certain number of containers (if carried in a ship) or manifests (if the carrier is a truck).

Workflow - It refers to the path defined for a consignment delivery from its origin to its destination.

Demurrage Rate - It refers to the rate per day in US Dollars that is charged if a container is not returned to the carrier within the allotted free days. This rate is calculated on the basis of the Slab Rates defined for various slabs (or Slab Days). Total Demurrage is the sum total of Demurrage Rates for these slabs and the Final rate which is applicable after the slab days are over.

Destination - It refers to the point of delivery of any shipment. It can either be a city or a depot within a city.

Entity - An entity in TrakIT refers to a person or a company, with a unique id. There are 5 different entity types in TrakIT:

Free Days - It refers to the number of days assigned to a workflow within which empty containers should be returned to the port. If the container does not reach the port within the given number of days then it gets charged on a per-day basis.

KPIs - A KPI or Key Performance Indicator is the mechanism to calculate the actual time between any two events. A KPI can be calculated either in running hours or in business hours.

Minimum Margin - It refers to the minimum profit margin that deems feasible to make the shipment.

Origin - It refers to the starting point of any shipment.

Tracking Link - It refers to a hyperlink used to track work orders. It is emailed to entities for which it is selected during entity creation.

Transit Time - It refers to the number of expected days in which a consignment will be delivered from its origin to its destination.

Transport Document - Any shipment taking place in a workflow has a unique T/D number, that is the transport document number. All work orders pertaining to one shipment will have the same T/D number.

Users - A User refers to the registered users of the TrakIT application that have a unique user ID. Different users are designated different kinds of roles depending upon the level of authority they can exercise. The role type determines the type of user on the basis of his/her access to the application. If a user is not authorized for a particular role then he/she cannot perform any action or view any information associated with that role. Users in TrakIT can be given one of the 6 different kinds of roles:

Work Order - It refers to a set of related information that defines a single shipment with a unique container/manifest number. This number is unique for each work order. A work order can have one out of four possible statuses: Active, Abandoned, Cancelled, and Closed.

Work Order Data - Refers to data defined about a particular shipment or work order specific to a workflow.

Work Order Event - A work order event refers to something happening at a specific instance of time. For instance, shipment loaded on the truck, truck crossing the border, getting discharged, payments received, etc. are all events within a shipment.