Bulk Updates
The Bulk Updates page enables you to update large amounts of Events/Data and other fields in work orders using an Excel sheet upload. This page displays the following:
It is highly recommended to follow the below instruction for the preparation of the valid data before performing any bulk update in TrakIT.
How to prepare the data for Events, Data, and Header Fields
How to get an Import Template (excel)?:
Visit the Workflow > Shipments > Work Order Tab and apply the necessary filters.
Choose the Relevant Header / Event / Data Fields which you want for bulk update, then Click on Export Button.
Make use of this as an import template to perform the bulk update.
For the preparation of Data you need to follow the instructions given below in Points 2 and 3.
Steps to follow to ensure import template excel should have only that data which you want to get updated
Don't change the Column Titles in the downloaded excel file.
If you want to bulk update the data at Work Order Level then keep the First Column as Work Order ID
If you want to update the data only at T/D Level then keep the First Column as Transport Document
Highlight Cells with Yellow background which you want to get updated in the system. Make sure you keep only those rows and columns in excel which you want to get updated.
Date Format should be in "dd mmm yyyy h:mm" format or a valid date format in excel.
Exclusion for Bulk Update (Very Important)
Make sure Excel should has only one sheet.
It should not contain any Closed Work Order / Shipments.
Bulk Update never updates Transport Document / Depot List.
If you don't want to update values with Blank then don't highlight blank cells with yellow.
Bulk Update doesn't create new Work Orders, so don't keep new Work Orders in excel.
Any reference Columns like Transporter / Customer / Entities / Etc. should exist in TrakIT, as it doesn't update data for missing references.
Bulk Update doesn't update the Service as work order Event/Data applicability is dependent on the services and changing services do resetting of WO so that it shows only applicable Event/Data only.
Ignoring Event Sequence - This allows skipping (left blank) events while updating.
Overwrite Existing Data - This allows overwriting the existing value of field.
Allow Overwriting with Blanks - This allows to overwrite the existing value with blanks. The option gets enabled only if 'Overwrite Existing Data' option is checked.
Select the option as applicable and click on the 'Upload' button to begin the bulk upload.