
NOTE: Users with any financial role can view the Finance page.

The Finance page displays all shipments in the system based on selected filters that are customizable by the user. Users can only see shipments belonging to workflows that they have access to by virtue of their assigned location.

The Finance Page can only be viewed by users who are assigned to Financial Roles in TrakIT. For more information, see Assigning Financial Roles to User

The Filter panel (displayed below) is used to search or filter the list of work orders displayed on this page.

Select the company from the dropdown given on right. By default primary company of the user is selected of which the jobs are displayed. However, the required company can also be selected in case of multiple companies access. 

Click on the 'Reset' button to reset filters to their default value (except for the Workflow filter). 

To add new filters, click on the 'Customize' button in the filter panel above:

Select additional filters as required. Selected filters appear as follows:

Once all the filters are selected, click on the 'Search' button, the list of jobs matching the filter criteria is displayed.

The list appears as follows: 

The following fields are displayed:

Job ID - Displays the ID of the job.

Transport Document - Displays the transport document number.

Workflow - Displays the name of the workflow.

Job Number: Displays the job number which is defined in Admin -> Workflow Definitions.

Job Type- Displays the type of the job.

Contractual Customer - Displays the name of the contractual customer

Job Status - Displays the status of shipment. Blank status refers to the 'Empty' stage.

Status Changed By - Displays the name of the user and time who changed the status of the job.

RevDate - Displays the latest date populated in an event OR manually defined for Revenue Recognition.

WO - Displays the number of work orders in the shipment.

Estimate/Actual Income - Displays the total income of the shipment

Estimate/Actual Expense - Displays the total expenses of the shipment

Margin - Displays the difference between income and expenses

Export Financial Information

Click on the 'Export' button, a file gets download with the information displayed on the Finance page in MS-Excel format. 


This allows performing action against multiple jobs such as requesting approval/closure of jobs and direct approving/closing jobs if the user has permission to do. The options given over there display based on the permission of the users they are having.