
This page allows you to download all TrakIT finance related documents in one go. To view page, go to Finance -> Documents. The following window will appear.

Set the desired filters and select workflow then click on Search button. The result is displayed as below:

Company:Displays the name of company documents is uploaded for.

Title: Displays the title of document.

File Name: Displays the name of document file.

Size (KB): Displays the size of document.

Job ID: Displays the ID of job/transport document.

Entity: Displays the name of entity invoice/bill belongs to.

T/D: Displays the transport document number the invoice/bill belongs to.

Inv/Bill Date: Displays the date of inv/bill gets created.

Invoice/Bill/Payment: Displays the number of invoice, bill or payment.

Added: Displays the date/time when document was uploaded.

Added By: Displays the name of the user who adds document.

Click on button to download one or more files together into a single location. 

Select appropriate files and click on Download Zip button. The following window pops up

Select the desired file name prefix and click on 'Download' button.

Click on button to email one or more appropriate documents.

Set recipients and clik on 'Send' button.  If selected, documents will be emailed as links instead of attachments in the email. This option is required when total size of documents exceeds 10 MB. Also the links are valid for 7 days only.