
This page allows you to define multiple activities for Customers to track your CRM (Customer Relationship Management) activities and others. With the help of this page, you can create tasks and activities as well as set reminders for the same.

The below filter panel is used to search or filter the list of activities displayed on this page.

Once the filters are set, click on the 'Search' button to display the list of activities that match the set filters. Click on the 'Reset' button to reset filters to their default value.

The result is displayed as below.

Date/Time: Displays the date and time of the planned and actual start of the activity.

Title: Displays the title of the activity.

Type: Displays the type of activity.

For: Displays the entity name for which the activity is created.

Owner: Displays the name of the owner of the activity. By default, the owner is who creates the activity.

Duration: Displays the duration of how much estimated time set for the activity will take.

Status: Displays the status of the activity which can be Planned, In Progress, Overdue, Completed, and Cancelled.

Docs: Displays the count of documents attached to it.

Reminder: Displays reminder to send set for this activity.

Created: Displays the name of who created it.

Updated On: Displays when was the last update.

Create New Activity

Click on the button "New Activity" to create an activity. The following window will pop up:

  1. Select the 'Activity For' from the dropdown which can be General, Customer, or Assets.

  2. Enter the title of the activity.

  3. Specify date and time of the actual start of the activity.

  4. Select activity type from the drop-down. The list of "Activity Type" can be customized as per requirements.

  5. Enter the additional details (if needed).

  6. Select the estimated duration from the drop-down for the activity.

  7. Set reminders which shall be sent before the start of activity.

  8. By default the activity owner is who creates it.

  9. Toggle 'Yes' to send a calendar invite.

A sample is given below:

Click on the button to mark activity as completed.

Click on the button to cancel activity.

Click on the 'Add Files' button for adding a new documents/files. The document will be uploaded automatically once it is selected.

Modify/Delete Activity

Click on the given icons to modify or delete the activity.


Click on the 'Export' button to extract list of activities data in MS-Excel.