
Once you click on any shipment from the Finance page, you will get the below window pops up:

Under the Estimates tab, users get a summary of all the income earned, expenses and disbursement transactions for the shipment.

Adding Accounts

Click on the 'Add Account' button on the right side of the page to manually add the account to the shipment. The following dialog box pops up:

Once the alternative currency is selected, the exchange rate field will display the Currency rate and Alternate Currency rate.

Modifying Accounts / Adding Amounts in Account

Click on any Account name where you want to add the Amount or make any changes in it. The following dialog box pops up:

You can only modify Applies,  Invoice Entity type and Entity, Rate, Alternate Rate, and Remarks. Rest all the fields are grayed out can be amended.

Click on Cross icon to delete the existing account added.

Reset Taxes - It resets the tax to set in the workflow definition for the specific account.

Add Tax - This allows to add tax for an account.

Deleting Accounts

Click on the  icon at the bottom of the account to delete the account from the shipment. Click on the 'Delete' button to delete the account and all data associated with it.