Master Tables

The Master Tables page displays all the tables that are used by TrakIT. Master tables contain information applicable to the entire application, i.e. all work orders, workflows, entities and, users.

Asset Categories

The Asset Master page allows the user to define the Asset Categories and the Asset Fields which is displayed under Asset management

Load Types

The Load Types page displays the list of all the standard container types and their description.

Delay Tracking Type

The Delay Tracking Type page displays the list of all the tracking types where we can calculate the delay costs.

Customer Groups

The Customer Groups page allows users to define specific groups in which entities belonging to the same organization can be grouped together.

Events/Data Definitions

The Events/Data page displays the master event/data used in a workflow along with default event/data codes. The 'Use Count' refers to the number of workflows in which this event/data field is used. The user may create new master events or data, modify existing events and data or delete unused events or data.

KPI Definitions

The KPI Definitions page displays the list of all KPIs defined in TrakIT along with their description. The 'Use Count' refers to the number of workflows in which this KPI is used.

Message Templates

The Message Templates page displays the list of all the templates in TrakIT along with their description. These templates can be used in setting up any sequence action under Workflow Definition.

Job Type

The Shipment Type page displays information about the types of shipment along with the number of work orders with that particular shipment type.

Workflow Services

The Workflow Services page allows the user to define the master services to which events and data for workflow can be linked. The name, description, type of service (import, export, or round trip), and whether the service is a primary service or a secondary service. The user can create new services, modify existing services, or delete unused services.

* In all these tables, new fields can be added as and when required, and existing fields can be modified or deleted as required only by sysadmins.