Save Sequence

The below API is used to update any Event/Data field in work order.

Request: GET

Signature: api/mobile/SaveSeq?Token={Login_Token}&DataID={Data_ID}&Value={Data_Value}&Remarks={Data_Remarks}

Sample: api/mobile/SaveSeq?Token=VomYEMiECFFyAQ3==&DataID=mT2861aPk3G_UnGYsIU&Value=TBA&Remarks=


    "Code": 1,
    "Info": "Field saved successfully",
    "RowsAffected": 0,
    "Scalar": null,
    "Identity": 0,
    "RetInfo": null

Things to know about this API:

    1. Token - You can use Login API to get token displayed under Info
    2. Data_ID (You can get the DataID using Get WO API)
    3. Value (You can enter the value that you want to input in this field)
    4. Remarks (You can enter the remarks that you want to input in this field)