
The Dashboard provides users with a graphical overview of the shipments in TrakIT or relevant Key Performance Indicators as well as event occurrences. Users can add or remove graphs and charts as required.

The displayed charts can be filtered using the below filters:

Select workflows, time period, trend interval (weekly, monthly or quarterly), KPI Unit (days or hours), KPI Status (all, open or closed), and the WO Status on the filter panel as required. Click on the 'Customize' button to add more filters.

Click on the Cross button to remove the particular chart from the Dashboard or click on 'Remove All' to remove all the charts from the Dashboard.

Click on the 'Reset Filters' button to reset all filters to their default values. Click on the 'Refresh' button to refresh the Dashboard page.

Adding Charts to Dashboard

Click on the 'Add Chart' button to add a chart based on the above filters. Five kinds of charts can be added:

  • Work Order Creation Chart- This chart provides the number of work orders created over a given time period.
    1. Select Work Order Creation in Select Chart Type drop-down list.
    2. Click on the 'Add' button.

A sample Work Order Creation chart is given below:

The horizontal axis displays the time period and the vertical axis displays the number of work orders created in that time period.

  • Shipment Creation Chart- This chart provides the number of shipments created over a given time period.
  1. Select Shipment Creation in Select Chart Type drop-down list.
  2. Click on the 'Add' button.

A sample Shipment Creation chart is given below:

The horizontal axis displays the time period and the vertical axis displays the number of shipments created in that time period.

KPI Average Chart- This chart provides the average time taken for a KPI, over a given time period.

  1. Select the KPI for which the chart is to be generated from the Select KPI field.
  2. Click on the 'Add' button.

A sample KPI Average Hours chart is given below:

The horizontal axis displays the time period as selected in the filter and the vertical axis gives the actual average hours between the start and end event of the KPI selected. Each data point in the graph displays the total KPI Count, the Average time and the Target time, as given below:

Event Occurrence Trend Chart- This chart shows the number of occurrences of a specific event.

    1. Select Chart Type as Event Occurrence Trend.
    2. Select a workflow from the Select Workflow drop-down list.
    3. Select the event for which the chart is to be generated from the Select Event drop-down list.
    4. Provide a Chart Title.

A sample Event Occurrence Trend chart is given below:

The horizontal axis displays the time period as selected in the filter and the vertical axis gives the number of occurrences of this event.

Top 10 Pie Chart- This chart gives you a pie chart for the top 10 entities (that can be chosen from the drop-down list).

    1. Select Top 10 Pie Chart in the Select Chart Type drop-down list.
    2. Select the entity for which this chart is to be generated from the Select Type drop-down list. It can be Carriers, Workflows, Customers, Shipment Types or Transporters.
    3. Click on the 'Add' button.

A sample pie-chart is given below:

General Notes

Click on the icons on the chart header to move it left or right on the dashboard window.

Click on icon on the chart header to export the chart to MS-Excel.

Click on the icon on the chart header to re-size the displayed chart.

Click on the icon to remove the chart from the Dashboard.