
NOTE: Only users with Job financial role with income access can view this page.

The Invoices page displays the entire invoices/credit note history for all the shipments. This list can be viewed in entirety or based on the filters - Invoice No., or T/D (Transport Document No.) or WOID (Work Order ID), Type of the invoice, Status, Invoice Creation range, Approved By, Created By, Data field and/or Companies. 

The company drop-down on the top center lists out all the companies user is accessible to. By default primary company is selected.

Once the filters are set, click on the 'Search' button to display the list of invoices that match the set filters. Click on the 'Reset' button to reset filters to their default value.

 A sample display is given below: 

The following columns are displayed:

Date: Displays the invoice creation date.

Number: Displays the invoice/credit note number.

Workflow Serial: Displays the workflow serial number in the specified format if defined in the workflow.

Type: Displays the type of invoice. It can be either Invoice or credit note.

Entity: Displays the Entity Name the invoice or credit note is linked to.

T/D: Displays the Transport Document number.

ETA: Displays the estimated time of arrival which is defined as an event in the workflow. Similarly, other custom columns can also be defined as per requirement.

Credit Period: Displays the period allowed for credit.

Due Date: Displays the due date for the invoice/credit note.

Status: Displays the status of the invoice. It can be Draft, Approved, Finalised, Cancelled, or Reversed.

Currency: Displays the currency of invoice/credit note.

Amount: Displays the total billed amount.

Outstanding: Displays the amount that is still pending.

Download/Preview: The Icon given over there allows to download or preview the latest document attached to the invoice.

Creating a new Invoice

Click on the 'Create Invoice' button to create a new Invoice in the system. The following window pops up:

Export Invoices

Click on the 'Export' button, a file gets downloaded with the information displayed on the Invoice page in MS-Excel format.

For more details, go to Invoice Details