
The Operations menu is the heart of TrakIT and displays all work orders in the system based on the selected workflow group and selected filters that are customize-able by the user. Users can only see Work Orders belonging to workflows that they have access to by virtue of their assigned location. The Filter panel (displayed below) is used to search or filter the list of work orders displayed on this page.

Once the filters are set, click on the 'Search' button to display the list of work orders that match the set filters. Click on the 'Reset' button to reset filters to their default value (except for the Workflow filter). Clicking on the refresh icon in the workflows filter refreshes other filters as per workflow selection.

To add new filters, click on the 'Customize' button in the filter panel above:

Once all the filters are selected, click on the 'Search' button, the list of work orders matching the filter criteria is displayed. Clicking on the type data can be displayed either by Work Order ID or by Transport Document/Shipment:

View By Transport Document

This display shows the list of consolidated shipments sorted by the Transport Document number. A sample display is given below:

This shows the Transport Document number, ID of the first work order in the shipment in First WO field, Workflow, Customer, Carrier code, the combined weight of all containers/manifest in the shipment in Weight field, number of 20' and 40' containers, the total number of work orders in Total field and the number of open work orders in Open field. 

View By Work Order

This is the default sort order in which newer work orders appear on top. It displays all the work orders in the shipment. A sample display is given below: 

It displays the following fields: Transport Document number of the shipment prefixed by its priority icon, Work Order ID, Workflow, names of the Customer, code of the Carrier, and Container/Manifest number along with the container Size in feet and Weight in kilos, Last Event for the work order, the number of documents attached in Docs field, along with the link and a red icon in the Alerts field if there is a raised alert for this work order. 

The columns displayed on the Transport Document and Work Order view can be customized as per the requirement.

Creating New Work Orders

Click on the 'Create' button to create new work orders. See Creating a New Work Order.

KPI Alerts

Clicking on the alert icons on either view displays the list of KPIs for the shipment or work order, their values, and alert status. For more information, see KPIs & Alerts.

Exporting Work Orders

Click on the 'Export' button and the following window pops up: