External User

The External User page displays the list of all external users in TrakIT and allows the management of users in the system. The user list is displayed based on the following filter panel:

Select the appropriate filters and click on 'Search' button to see the list of all users who qualify the search criteria. The 'Reset' button resets all filters to their default values.

The list of users is displayed as shown below:

The following columns are displayed:

User ID:  The unique identity of the user in the system

Full Name:  The full name of the user

Type: Indicates if the user is a Customer or Transporter. 

Zone: Refers to the local time zone of the user.

Session Count: Displays the total session count of the user.

Last Active:  Displays when the user was last active.

Create New User

Click on the 'Create' button to create a new user. The following pop-up is displayed:

Modify Profile

Click on the icon to edit user details. The following pop-up opens:

The User ID field cannot be modified. Make desired changes to the user's profile and click on the 'Save' button. 

Delete Profile

Click on 'Delete' to delete a user. A confirmation pop up opens. Click 'Delete' to confirm the deletion. A user can only be deleted if the system has no references to the user. If a user has made changes to any data in the system, it will not be possible to delete the user.

Click on any user to view more details:

View User Details

Click on row to see the information about that particular user. User details are displayed as below:

View Profile 

Click on 'Profile' tab to view basic details about a user.

View Linked Entities

Click on the 'Linked Entities' tab to view the entities name where the external user is linked.

View User Data Log

Click on the 'User Data' tab to view data added to the user's profile.

View User Files Log

Click on the 'User Files' to view files attached to the user's profile.

View Session Log

Click on the 'Session Log' tab to display user session log which gives the list of the user's TrakIT sessions.

View Action Log

Click on the 'Action Log' tab to display user application log which gives the history of user's actions for the last 2 months.

View Device Log

Click on the 'Devices' tab to display user device history for the last 2 months.

View Location Log

Click on the 'Location' tab to view user's location on map for the last 2 months.

Lock User

Click on the icon to lock a user.

To unlock the user again, click on the mentioned icon and the user profile will be unlocked again.

If a user has not logged into the application for a months then his/her account gets automatically locked.

Exporting Users

Click on the 'Export' button at the bottom of the page to export the list of users as per the current filter settings as a CSV file that can be opened in MS-Excel.

Users who have access to Update action in Role Management or SysAdmin can make changes to this page.

For more details of external user login interface, go to External Interface