Report Queue

This page displays the list of the reports which are added in the queue.So, that we can track which report is not sending out or taking longer time.

Selecting specific filters from the filter panel as shown below:

Specify the Report Type from the drop-down menu- it could be 'Customer Report' or 'User Report' or 'Advanced Report' or 'Query Report', provide a Report Name to view a specific report, specify an entity named in the Entity/Title By field to see all reports for that particular entity. Click on the 'Search' button to see the list of reports that match the filter selection.

A sample display of reports queue is given below:

Once all the filters are selected, click on the 'Search' button, the list of reports matching the filter criteria is displayed. A sample display is given below:

Queued: Displays the report queued date and time.

Report Type: Displays the report type. It could be 'Customer Report' or 'User Report' or 'Advanced Report' or ' 'Query Report'.

Report Name: Displays the name of the report.

Entity/Title: Displays the name of the entity or title of the subscription.

Delivery By: Displays the delivery mode.

Attempts: Displays the number of attempts the system will make in order to send the report. The maximum attempt is 5.

Sent: Displays the report send date and time.

Rows: Displays the number of rows in the report.

Delay: Displays the delay of the report in minutes.

Duration (min): Displays the duration of the report in seconds.

Error: Displays any error if the report is not sent.