TrakIT Android App

TrakIT users can easily access their shipments using the TrakIT Mobile app on Android phones. Customers can also access their shipments via the app provided their user profile has been created as an external user.

The app is available at the Google Play Store. Click the link below to install TrakIT Mobile.

On starting TrakIT, a login screen is displayed as shown below:

  For the "Provider" field, use your TrakIT sub-domain. Normally, this is the same as your company name.

For example, if your TrakIT url is, enter company in Provider box.

Enter your TrakIT User ID and password as usual and you will be logged in. The next time you start the app, you will not be asked for the credentials.

You do not need to login again until you logout of the app by clicking on the Logout option on the sliding menu. 

Main Menu

Once you have logged in, you will be shown the Main Menu screen:

You can see all sections from TrakIT which you have access to. Tap on any section to view details of that section.

Side Menu

Tap on the icon to view the Side Menu


Once you tap on Shipments section, you can see all your shipments:


By default, you can see all your active shipments. The number in the brackets indicate the number of work orders within each shipment. Tap the Closed tab to see shipments that have been closed.

Click on any shipment to view details of all work orders in the shipment.