Geo Data

The Geo Data page displays all the geographical structures and sub-structures across which TrakIT tracks consignments. It also displays the list of available users in the system along with the locations to which they have access and the locations to which they are specifically assigned.

The hierarchy  of structure is as follows:

Global > Region > Cluster (optional) > Country > State (optional) > Area (optional) > City > Location (Depot).

Creating a New Geographic Entity

Select the geographical structure under which new entity is to be created.

Click on the 'Plus Icon' button just next to country list to create a new geographical region. A pop-up window appears as follows:

The newly created geographical entity appears in the system as follows:

To add further entities, select row and click on the Plus icon.

Editing a Geographic Entity

Select an entity and click on the 'Edit' button to make any changes in it.

Deleting a Geographic Entity

Select an entity and click on the 'Delete' button to delete it from the list. The confirmation window will appear as below:

This removes the selected entity from the geographical structure.

This page also shows Available Users, Users with Access to (a selected geographic structure) and Users Assigned to (a selected geographic structure).

Users with Access to (a selected geographic structure) displays the list of all users who have access to this location and all locations under this location. Available Users refers to the users in the system who have not been assigned to any geographic location yet. This list can be viewed by specifying a filter based on User ID or Name. If no filter is specified then the entire list of available users is displayed on this page. Users Assigned to (a selected geographic location) displays the list of all users who have been assigned to this location. Click on 

 icon corresponding to any user in Available Users to add him/her to a specific geographic location. This user will now appear under Users Assigned to (that location).Click on  to remove a particular user from that location. This user will now appear in the Available Users list.

The sum total of Available Users, Users Assigned to and Users with Access to gives the total number of users in the application. This figure does not include users with ‘SysAdmin’ role.