Entity Detail
Viewing Entity Details
Click on any entity, to view its basic information. A separate window pops up that displays details of the entity along with all the work orders, reports and documents associated with this entity.
The entity details show the Total Work Order count for this particular entity; in this case, it is 6. There are 12 tabs on the Entity Details window:
a. Header- This section displays all the information about the entity like Entity ID, Entity group, address, contact of the contact person, phone, Account Number, Currency, TIN, whether this entity is enabled to receive emails, country, email ids of the entity, remarks and tracking link.
Transfer Entity- This section helps in transferring all the work orders linked with a particular entity to other entities in TrakIT. Generally used when we have duplicate entities created in our system. Enter the Destination Entity ID where you want to transfer all the work orders linked to this entity and click on Transfer. This option can only be used by SysAdmin.
b. Documents - This section displays the list of all documents that are associated with this entity. It also allows users to add a document for this entity.
Click on the 'Add Document' button to add a document. The following window pops-up:
Provide a Document Title for the new document to be added.
Select the Document Type from the drop-down list. It can be either General, Contract, Profile, Communication, or Statement.
Select which users to notify in the Users to Notify field. A notification email is sent to all these users about the new document being added.
Additional information about this new document can be provided in the Description column.
Click on the 'Choose File' button in the Document field to upload the document to the application.
Click on the 'Add' button to add the new document to this entity's profile.
c. Quotation - This section displays the list of all quotations and also allows to create a new for the selected entity.
d. Work Orders - This section displays the list of all work orders associated with this entity with their ID, carrier name, workflow, transport document, container/manifest number, size, weight, and last event in the work order. This information can also be downloaded in MS-Excel format by clicking on the 'Export' button.
e. Activities - This section allows you to define multiple activities for the specific customer to track.
f. Assets- This section displays the list of assets owned by the entity with Asset Type, Category, Asset Name, Asset Serial, Asset Value, Linked To, and Added By.
g. Invoices - This section shows the all invoices linked to the customer as well as allows to set automated reminder for the outstanding invoices
h. Entity Data - This section displays the list of all fields that are associated with the entity and defined under Masters -> Data Fields -> Select Entity Fields -> Select Entity Type.
i. Multi Type - Multi Type is to assign multiple types to any entity. The entity will still have its primary original type. But it can now have additional types as well.
j. Per Company - This section allows to linking entities to one or more companies. When an entity is first created, the responsible company of the user creating the company is automatically assigned to the entity. If more companies need to access the entity, the selection can be made here.
Credit days can be defined in the Credit Status tab for the entity and also for each company under the Per Company tab.
k. Sent Reports - This section displays the report which belongs to a particular customer and getting sent.
l. Linked Users - This section displays all the users who are linked with this entity.
m. Credit Status - This section maintains a record of an Entity's credit status. This will largely apply to repeat customers and even transporters. By clicking on Add entry you can add a new status entry with information like Credit Type, Credit History, Credit Days, Credit Limit, and Remarks. Once an entry has been added, it cannot be deleted, only canceled. These changes can only be made by users with the Finance Admin role or SysAdmin role.
n. Action log - This section displays the activity done for the entity along with the local time and date and the name of the user who made the changes.
Modifying an Entity
Click on icon on the right bottom of the entity-header part to edit the entity information. The following window pops up:
Make the desired changes and click on the ‘Save’ button.
Click on the icon on the right bottom of the entity-header to delete the entity. A confirmation window pops up. Click on the 'Delete' button to confirm the deletion. Only entities that are not used in any work order or report can be deleted from the application.