Event Definitions
The Work Order Events & Data section within the Workflow explains how events and data fields are defined once a workflow is created.
Creating a New Event
Master Event: Select the desired Event Field from the drop-down list. If this event field does not exist in the list, it can be created in the Events/Data table by adding it through "Add New" (The event field and code will automatically be selected after saving).
Specific Info/Suffix: Enter any specific information related to the event in the Specific Info/Suffix field. This information is appended to the Event name selected in the Master Event Field list.
Currently Active: Leave the Currently Active toggle switch as Yes. It can be changed later if the event becomes inactive.
Description: Enter the full description.
Responsible Company: Select the Responsible Company for the event from the drop-down list.
Owner Role: Select the Owner role for the event from the drop-down list
Unique Event Code: A default value for the Unique Event Code is supplied based on the Event Field selected. The code must not be changed unless it is necessary to maintain its uniqueness of code.
Apply To: Select 'Apply to' from the given drop down which can be 'Work Order Only' or 'Job'.
Background Color: Select a Background Color from the drop-down list if the event should be displayed with a specific color.
Customer Access: The field Customer Access has three options: NoAccess - The event is not relevant to customers, Visible - The event is relevant to customers and the event can be set as the status of the work order and Updatable - The event is visible and also updatable by the customer.
Allowed Offset (min): Enter the allowed offset for this event in Allowed Offset (min) which prevents users from updating events more than specified minutes with both back and future dates.
Requires: Selecting Requires field specifies other data/header/event fields to be populated before TrakIT will allow the event to be populated. For example, you can specify that the event "ETA Vessel" can only be populated once the name of the vessel has been entered in the data field.
Allow 'NA': Toggle Allow N/A to yes if the event can contain the value N/A (Not Applicable/Available).
Information Only: Toggle Information Only to yes if the event is just information and not a real event. For instance, ETA Vessel (Estimated Time of Arrival of the vessel) is just an estimated time, it’s not the actual time of an event.
Is Start Event: Toggle Is Start Event to yes if the event is the first or starting event of the shipment.
Require Remark: Select the condition for Require Remarks from the drop-down list.
Required Event: Toggle Required Event to yes if the event must be populated for the work order to be closed.
Validation Exp.: Add Validation Expression for having the condition of any particular event.
External Name: Enter the external name of the event. The actual name of the event shall be replaced with the name specified in the External Name field for external users.
Additional Actions:
Normally a new event created will only be applied to work orders created for the workflow thereafter. If the event must be applied to existing work orders as well, select the checkbox Add event to existing open work orders as well. This will add the event to all open work orders for the workflow.
Finally, click on the 'Create' button to create the event.
The events now appear as follows:
The icon indicates that this event is required to be populated (either with a date or NA) before the work order can be closed. In order to update other details like workflow, functions, etc to an event.
Click on any event. The following window will appear:
Assigning Services to an Event
Select the appropriate services for this event and click on the 'Update' button.
Assigning Customers to an Event
Select the appropriate customers for this event and click on the 'Update' button.
Assigning Shipment Type to an Event
Select the appropriate shipment type for this event and click on the 'Update' button.
Assigning Role Access to an Event
Select the access level from the drop-down for the appropriate role for this event and click on the 'Update' button.
*Info Only event cannot be used with Start Event, Required Event, or Notify Customer.
Assigning Workflow to an Event
Enter the username in Users to Notify text box if the customer is to be notified by email when the event is updated and click on the 'Update' button.
Assigning Delay Tracking to an Event
Select Tracking Type and action from the drop-down menu if applicable to the event and click on 'Update' button. See Delay Tracking.
Editing an Event
Click on the icon on the right end of the row to edit the event. The following window is displayed:
Additional Actions
Checkbox 'Apply event to existing open work orders where event is missing' to apply it to all work orders which are open and where this event has not been present. This action does not include closed work orders.
Checkbox 'Remove event from existing work orders where not applicable' to remove this event from all existing work orders in the system where it is no more applicable. For instance, services selected for ETD vessel event are changed to Export only, then selecting this checkbox will remove this event from existing work orders where services selected are not Export only.
Click on the 'Save' button to save changes to the event definition.
Deleting an Event
Click on the icon if the event is to be deleted. A confirmation dialog box appears as follows:
An event cannot be deleted if it is used in one or more work orders. Force Delete checkbox under Additional Actions can be selected to remove this event from all work orders as well as reports where it is used.
Click on the 'Delete' button to delete the event and all data associated with it.