Receipts & Payments


NOTE: Users need to have access to 'Read' action under 'Receipts' in Role Management to view this page.

The Receipts tab displays the list of all the payments added against the Invoices. This list can be viewed in its entirety or based on the filters - Entity, Invoice Number and/or Reference Number.

Once the filters are set, click on the 'Search' button to display the list of payments that match the set filters. Click on the 'Reset' button to reset filters to their default value.

A sample display is given below:

The following columns are displayed:

Adding new Receipt

Click on the 'Add ' button to add a new payment. The following window pops up:

  1. Company: Select the company from the dropdown. By default primary company is selected of the user, required company can be selected in case of multiple companies access.

  2. Currency: Select the currency from the dropdown.

  3. Total Amount: Enter the total amount.

  4. Entity Type: Select Entity type from the dropdown.

  5. Transaction Mode: Select the payment mode from the Transaction Mode list. It can be Bank Remittance, Bank Transfer, Cash, or cheque.

  6. Transaction Date: Select the transaction date.

  7. Receive From: Select the entity from the dropdown from which payment is to be received.

  8. Reference Number: Enter the reference number in the Reference Numbers field.

  9. Remarks: Enter the additional remarks (if needed).

Once the Receipt is added, detail is displayed as below:


The user can directly approve if having permission to. Once the Payment is approved 'Sequence No.' gets generated automatically with the format Company Code + Year (YYYY) + Sequence (0000)

Invoices: Click on Add Invoices button to allocate invoices. It lists out all outstanding invoices belong to the entity selected at the time of payment creation.

Account List: Displays the list of all accounts associated with respective bills.

Documents: Displays the list of documents attached to the quotation. This can be auto-generated as well as manually uploaded.


The Payments tab displays the list of all the payments added against the Bills. This list can be viewed in entirety or based on the filters - Entity, Invoice Number, and/or Reference Number.

Once the filters are set, click on the 'Search' button to display the list of payments that match the set filters. Click on the 'Reset' button to reset filters to their default value.

Same as the above Receipts tab.

Adding a new Payment

Click on the 'Add ' button to add a new payment. The following window pops up:

  1. Company: Select the company from the dropdown. By default primary company is selected of the user, required company can be selected in case of multiple companies access.

  2. Currency: Select the currency from the dropdown.

  3. Total Amount: Enter the total amount.

  4. Entity Type: Select Entity type from the dropdown.

  5. Transaction Mode: Select the payment mode from the Transaction Mode list. It can be Bank Remittance, Bank Transfer, Cash, or cheque.

  6. Transaction Date: Select the transaction date.

  7. Pay to: Select the entity from the dropdown to whom payment is to be made.

  8. Reference Number: Enter the reference number in the Reference Numbers field.

  9. Remarks: Enter the additional remarks (if needed).

Once the payment is added, detail is displayed as below:


The user can directly approve if having permission to. Once the Payment is approved 'Sequence No.' gets generated automatically with the format Company Code + Year (YYYY) + Sequence (0000)

Bills: Click on Add Bills button to allocate bill. It lists out all outstanding bills belong to the entity selected at the time of payment creation.

Account List: Displays the list of all accounts associated with respective bills.

Documents: Displays the list of documents attached to the quotation. This can be auto-generated as well as manually uploaded.