Quotation Details
This section displays the entire detail of the quote.
After creation, the quotation is initially in the draft status and the revision is indicated as 1.
Click on icon to duplicate the quote.
Click on pencil icon to modify the quote details. All details can be amended except for the company, workflow, and job type.
Click on icon to delete the quote.
Data: This section displays the list of all fields that are associated with the quotation and defined under Admin -> Masters-> Data Fields -> 'Quotation' Tab.
Accounts: Displays the account/items added to it. Click on the 'Add' button and fill in the details as indicated, account can also be added with empty rates and updated later on.
Workflow Data: Displays the job level workflow data fields (excluding Computed) based on services and job type selected only if workflow is linked to the quote. These fields are only editable when the Quotation is in Draft or Revision mode and the user has permission to modify the quotation.
Documents: Displays the list of documents attached to the quotation. This can be auto-generated as well as manually uploaded.
Comments: This allows to add specific comments associated with the quote. As soon as the comment gets added the previous commenter (if any) is notified.
Audit Log: Displays information about all changes made to the quote by users, along with the local time and date and the name of the user who made the changes.
This allows initializing accounts either from the workflow the quotation is linked to or specific T/D. Only default accounts can be initialized from workflow. Enter the job ID to initialize accounts from T/D and it only initializes accounts as per selected Customer, Currency, and Company in the quotation.
Click on Request Approval or Approve.
Request Approval - This will send an email to users who are set to be notified.
Approve - The user can directly approve if having permission to.
Cancel - Click on the button to cancel the quote.
On approval, the status is updated to approved as shown below. On Revision, the Revision count will increase by 1 only if the quote is rejected after generation and gets under revision.
Click on the Generate button as shown above, and from the drop-down select the form templates available. If the quotations need to be emailed, select the checkboxes as required and click on Generate button.
As soon as the quote is generated, it is added to document tab. To view or download the pdf, click on the respective icons as shown below.
The 'R1' in the file name indicates the revision number.
External files can also be uploaded/added by clicking on 'Add Files' button.
Click on Revise button if any modifications is to be made to the quote.
Click on the Cancel button to cancel the quote.
Click on button to create job from via quote. The following window pops-up:
The job is created for the workflow quote is linked to. Selected job type and service(s) are applied to the job created via quote.
Enter the Transport Document number and work order count and click on 'Create' button.
Note: Jobs can only be created from quote if the quote is at Approved or Finalised state.
The work flow of a Quotation is as depicted below.