
NOTE: Only users with Job financial roles with income access can view this page.

The Bills page displays the entire billed history for all the shipments. This list can be viewed in entirety or based on the filters - Bill Number, Entity,  Transport Document Number, Status, Validated By, Created By.

Once the filters are set, click on the 'Search' button to display the list of bills that match the set filters. Click on the 'Reset' button to reset filters to their default value.

 A sample display is given below: 

The following columns are displayed:

Bill ID: Displays the bill ID which is auto-generated at the time of adding bill.

Bill Date: Displays the bill generation date.

Bill Number: Displays the bill number.

Bill Sequence: Displays the bill sequence. Sequence will be automatically generated when the bill is validated.  

Created: Displays the date when the bill was received.

Company: Displays the company name.

Entity: Displays the name of the customer to which this bill is linked

Created By: Displays the name who created the bill

Validated By: Displays the name who validated the bill

Finalised By: Displays the name who finalised the bill

Currency: Displays the currency.

Billed Amount: Displays the total billed amount

Tax Amount: Displays the total tax amount of the bill

Unallocated Amount: Displays the unallocated amount of the bill

Outstanding: Displays the outstanding amount

Status: Displays the status of the bill. It can be Received or Validated

Sync: Displays whether the bill is synced or not.

Files: Displays the number of uploaded files.

Adding New Bill

Click on the 'Add Bill' button to create a new bill. The following window pops up:

For more details, go to Bill Details