Get Shipments

The below API is used to get shipment.

Request: GET

Signature: /api/mobile/GetShipmentsV3?Token={Login_Token}&SkipCount={Skip_count}&Search={Filter_text}&Closed={Boolean_Value}

CASE 1 : Searching with the WorkOrderID

Sample : /api/mobile/GetShipmentsV3?Token=P7pT6RgczvKwGldzxvD1BYCQ==&SkipCount=0&Search=18454&Closed=false

Response :


"Code": 1,

"Info": "",

"RowsAffected": 1,

"Scalar": 18454,

"Identity": 0,

"RetInfo": [


"WorkOrderID": 18454,

"BOLNum": "DJA0451290"




CASE 2 : Searching with the BOLNum

Sample : /api/mobile/GetShipmentsV3?Token=P7pT6RgczvKwGldzxvD1BYCQ==&SkipCount=0&Search=DJA044&Closed=false

Response :


"Code": 1,

"Info": "",

"RowsAffected": 2,

"Scalar": null,

"Identity": 0,

"RetInfo": [


"RowNum": 1,

"BOLID": 9729,

"BOLNum": "DJA0449773",

"MinWO": 18394,

"Data": "18394<br/>\nASIANAGRO AGUNGJAYA<br/>\n<small>Asianagro Agung Jaya",

"WOCount": 3



"RowNum": 2,

"BOLID": 9578,

"BOLNum": "DJA0447718",

"MinWO": 18200,

"Data": "18200<br/>\nASIANAGRO AGUNGJAYA<br/>\n<small>Asianagro Agung Jaya",

"WOCount": 3




Things to know about this API:

    1. Token - You can use Login API to get token displayed under Info
    2. SkipCount - It is an integer which decides the number of rows returned. For example: If you send 0, then it will display 0 to 20 rows. If you send 13, then it will display 13 to 33 rows.
    3. Search- (You can search with Work Order ID and BOLNum)
    4. Closed - Select True if you only want to search closed work orders. Select False to search for active work orders.
    5. RowsAffected - Displays the total number of work orders