Invoice Details

The invoice detail section displays the entire invoice to be received from an entity. 

After creating an invoice, you have to click either on "Allocate" or "Add Account" 

Add Account: Allows to add additional accounts directly from Masters account. This option comes only if Add Ad-hoc Accounts is enabled in company setting.

Allocate: Allows to add a specific account to the invoice which comes under the entity you have selected

You can also "Refresh" the invoice if you made any changes in accounts after creating the invoice.

Accounts can also be removed from invoice by clicking on 'Unallocate' button.

Once the accounts are added/allocated, the invoice is displayed as below:

Accounts: This shows the list of account(s) allocated to the invoice.

Data: This displays the list of all fields that are associated with the invoice and defined under Masters -> Data Fields -> Invoices.

Payment Received: This section displays the incoming payments against the customer invoices. For more details go to Receipts & Payments.

Files: This displays all manually uploaded/generated documents for the invoice.

Comments: This allows to add specific comments associated with the invoice. As soon as the comment gets added the previous commenter (if any) is notified.

Action Log: Displays information about all changes made to the invoice by users, along with the local time and date and the name of the user who made the changes.

Adjustments: This option allows you to make slight change to total amount of invoice. More adjustment options can only be added as per business requirement.